Here in the Harvest times, so much is given and on offer. Life is abundant and it is a wonderful time to glory in the gifts of nature.
But how do we see what we are offered? How easy is it to acknowledge it with an open heart? How much do we allow ourselves to receive what is given? Can we rejoice in the act of receiving, as a natural part of life? Can we allow ourselves to open more full to what is on offer now?
When we open and allow ourselves to receive, it can be easier…
AUGUST 2023 -
As we go through Life, it can be hard to keep up. So much is happening and it is not easy to take it all in and stay present.
At this time of year - the beginning of the Harvest season - fruits ripen and offer themselves. This can also be true in life, and it is good to gather what has been given. This way we can more fully receive the goodness of what is already with us, and make sure it will sustain us for the future.
Now is the time to remember. We can linger a while and op…
Sometimes we need extra support to help us walk through Life. To help us keep going, help us find our way, to help us to heal and grow.
Where do we find this support, and how do we recognize and receive it when it comes?
A way to begin is to open to the Healing that is right here, right now, even though we may not be aware of it. Learning to come into contact with it can be both surprising and life changing.
Healing Spaces are waiting to hold us and gently guide us. Maybe …
OCTOBER 2022 -
As leaves let go and branches remain, a different view emerges. In its nakedness, Autumn brings an opportunity to see more clearly where we are. Here we can stand in an essential way, with our life as it is now.
The ideas and plans and hopes we might have for this day, or for tomorrow, can rest a while. In this time, nothing new needs to grow. Instead we can let that which is finished to fall away. And stand, like Trees, not reaching for anything, but letting leaves go and danci…
Walking through this time of year, there is much coming to fruition: berries, nuts, fruits, pumpkins, beans and corn. This is the end of a cycle that has been working deeply all year – and also a beginning, new seeds forming already now for the future.
In our lives too, certain aspects are ripening. Maybe a process or project we have been sowing, hoeing, watering and weeding, is now growing into maturity. It can be an important moment to mark.
How do we recognize it? How do w…
AUTUMN 2012 -
A golden Autumn day. In the Sun’s warmth, the frost on the oak leaves melts to mist in the crisp air. Change. Life is so full of the unexpected, the things we feel to be “good” seeking balance with what we feel to be “difficult.” The main work of the shaman is that of healer, yes, but healing in a bigger sense, of being the one who dances with the rhythms of life and finds ways to restore the balance.
The shaman is the one people turn to in times of change. So the shaman must als…
AUTUMN 2013 -
Today I woke up thinking about Time. I always start thinking about Time in the Autumn as the days grow shorter. Time - there is never enough for everything. But is that true? Busying this morning I heard myself thinking: “I’ve got to catch my breath.” Catch my breath! Sitting down, I felt my breath – breathing in – breathing out.
There is time for everything, I thought, starting with time to stop. How easy it is to blame other things, like “no time.” But there are no “other thin…
AUTUMN 2014 -
Today, someone asked me how I feel about Åsbacka, the place where I live. I could feel the answer in my heart before the word came. And when the word came, I said “Home.” As soon as I said it, I knew that I had found a new understanding of “home”.
For me Åsbacka is not only a place to live. Åsbacka is a being – a being with whom I have a relationship. Åsbacka has needs and I have needs. We take care of each other and nourish each other in many ways. We share this space and we liv…
AUTUMN 2018 -
On a misty day you can see forever
If you close your eyes and
Listen to the sound of the clouds
Caressing the mountain’s face
Then there are no secrets
To be kept away from anyone
You only have to listen
This year has been a time of deepening for us. A time not so much about the new or finding more, but being deeper with where we are. Peeling off the layers, letting them fall away and allowing them to enrich us.
Shamanic practice is a kind of spiritual archeology. On every cou…
- Danish (7)
- Summer Solstice (4)
- Winter Solstice (10)
- Harvest Times (8)
- Animism (7)
- Ceremony (19)
- Circle (17)
- Change (32)
- Community (18)
- Connection (41)
- Earth Relations (40)
- Feeling Home (29)
- Healing (18)
- Power (32)
- Life Blessings (27)
- Service (5)
- Shamanic Practice (19)
- Spirit Poems (8)
- Winter (15)
- Spring (13)
- Summer (5)
- Autumn (11)