JANUARY 2023 -
Every ending is a beginning. We walk out of this space and step into another. Look around. What do you see? That tree you are looking at - what does it see when it looks back at you, on the threshold with the closed door behind you?
The World has just been re-created. Your next step and your next breath are your last in this life, becoming your first step and breath as they take you into a new existence – over and over and over
The message of individuality, which many of us rec…
Here we are on the threshold of the Winter Solstice, coming closer to the end of the year that has been. Before moving on, it can be good to stand still for a while, and remember.
Remember what this year has brought you. What you have learned and received. Decisions you made and choices that became clear. Teachings from the Spirits or Nature that have changed your life. What do you want to put down now and what you want to take with you?
Stay for a while and listen. Listen to …
Here we are, still in a relatively new year, with much that is unformed and unknown ahead of us. Even though we do not always know where we are going, when we stand firmly planted on the Earth, connected to the Spirits, we know we have the support to be with what comes.
Now we want to warmly welcome you to our newly renovated website. It still lives at but has been updated, expanded and reorganized. The last time we made a major rebuild was 10 years ago and we are so h…
This year, the Full Moon and Winter Solstice come very close to each other. In the darkest night, there is also light. How do we allow Dark and Light to dance together in us, and in our lives? So often Light is used to mean “good” and dark to mean “bad” but in Nature this is not true at all. Light is simply light, and dark is dark. They both have great and important qualities, and both are needed to keep the balance of Life. There are many nocturnal animals that depend on d…
We are in a time of transition. Here in the North we are now in the Dark Season, a place of magical stillness and peace, going slow and turning within. There is much Power here, a reflecting Power, like the Moon shining on a still pond. It can help us to look deeper and see more clearly. As we slow down and become quiet, we begin to find ourselves again.
Before going on, we make room for reflection. A pause, a breath, a stillness before beginning. In this seemingly empty spac…LISTEN TO THE SILENCE
WINTER 2012 -
Here in Scandinavia it is the darkest time of the year, the days when the Sun begins travelling North again – Midwinter, a time of celebration! Asking my Teachers how to celebrate this Solstice, they answered not only my question but also deepened my understanding of how to live. They told me that this is the time to remember those who have gone on before me, not only my blood-line ancestors, but all those who have made my life possible today, from the smallest organism to the gre…
In some parts of the world the new year comes in Springtime, others mark it in the Autumn. Here in Scandinavia the New Year arrives in Mid-Winter. No matter how it’s done, the idea is the same: ending what has been, pausing to gather together what we have learned, moving on and starting anew. It is a wonderful idea, but why wait and only do it once a year? Why not once a month, once a week, or once a day?
In October I went to the Deer Park Buddhist Monastery in southern Califo…
- Danish (7)
- Summer Solstice (4)
- Winter Solstice (10)
- Harvest Times (8)
- Animism (7)
- Ceremony (19)
- Circle (17)
- Change (32)
- Community (18)
- Connection (41)
- Earth Relations (40)
- Feeling Home (29)
- Healing (18)
- Power (32)
- Life Blessings (27)
- Service (5)
- Shamanic Practice (19)
- Spirit Poems (8)
- Winter (15)
- Spring (13)
- Summer (5)
- Autumn (11)