Harvest Times
Here in the Harvest times, so much is given and on offer. Life is abundant and it is a wonderful time to glory in the gifts of nature.
But how do we see what we are offered? How easy is it to acknowledge it with an open heart? How much do we allow ourselves to receive what is given? Can we rejoice in the act of receiving, as a natural part of life? Can we allow ourselves to open more full to what is on offer now?
When we open and allow ourselves to receive, it can be easier…
AUGUST 2023 -
As we go through Life, it can be hard to keep up. So much is happening and it is not easy to take it all in and stay present.
At this time of year - the beginning of the Harvest season - fruits ripen and offer themselves. This can also be true in life, and it is good to gather what has been given. This way we can more fully receive the goodness of what is already with us, and make sure it will sustain us for the future.
Now is the time to remember. We can linger a while and op…
Walking through this time of year, there is much coming to fruition: berries, nuts, fruits, pumpkins, beans and corn. This is the end of a cycle that has been working deeply all year – and also a beginning, new seeds forming already now for the future.
In our lives too, certain aspects are ripening. Maybe a process or project we have been sowing, hoeing, watering and weeding, is now growing into maturity. It can be an important moment to mark.
How do we recognize it? How do w…
AUTUMN 2011 -
Sometimes life takes us by surprise. Recently I came to hear about The Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers ( and right after got the chance to go to Göteborg to listen and learn from two of them - Sámi healer Laila Spik and Hopi elder Mona Polacca. This turned out to be a wonderful, heart-opening, and encouraging experience. They talked about their cultural traditions, about environmental changes, global warming, and the Hopi Prophecy. They talked about no…
The first birch leaves are yellowing, and soon the cranes will be flying south as Summer seamlessly moves into Autumn. When does the one end and the other begin? It’s different every year, but one day I become aware that the light is changing and I find myself looking back on the warm mornings of July and forward to the cool evenings of October. What did I plant in the Springtime and what am I harvesting now?
At the end of the soul-retrieval course in August I realized t…
WINTER 2015 -
The Winter Solstice is one of the great turning points of the year, and celebrates both the deepest dark and the coming of the light. Solstices and Equinoxes are thresholds - invitations to stop for a moment, to consider what has been, where we are, what is to come. When we pause during these changing times it can lessen feelings of being lost, out of step, or racing too fast. It helps to connect us to what is, right now, and to the power of the season.
The Winter Solstice is an …
AUTUMN 2020 -
As we go through Harvest days, this is a deep time to reflect on where we are. For many of us, it has not been an easy year, and it may feel like there is still a long way to go. But simply waiting for it to be over will not bring real change. There is no choice now but change. We cannot go back, we have to be where we are. Open our eyes and open hearts to the new beginnings that are waiting.
Even if you don’t know what it is, is there a way you can welcome the new growing out of…
- Danish (7)
- Summer Solstice (4)
- Winter Solstice (10)
- Harvest Times (8)
- Animism (7)
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- Shamanic Practice (19)
- Spirit Poems (8)
- Winter (15)
- Spring (13)
- Summer (5)
- Autumn (11)