Wherever we are, our feet are on the Earth. We can stop and remember this, at any moment, whenever we need to find some firmer footing.
In times that are turbulent and terrifying, it is easy to get lost in hopelessness. We watch events unfolding in the World and feel overwhelmed by worry. But getting lost does not help. Our job is to stay present and bring our attention to all that is here.
The World around us is telling us many things. We have a responsibility to l…
Sometimes when we feel small or not enough, we can reach out a hand and feel connection. As we touch another human, a tree, a paw, a leaf, soft moss or fresh water, we remember that we are not alone, and that we are not meant to be alone. We are part of an ecosystem, living and thriving together. We find our place and feel what it is to be part of something bigger.
When we work in community there are many hands that hold the whole. Many hands that together take re…
We are in a time of change. We are always in a time of change, but sometimes we may feel it more keenly. Sometimes it is easy and sometimes very hard. Whatever change is with us now, we can stand with it, speak to it, and allow it to teach us.
Sometimes change happens slowly. It can be so gradual it is hard to even notice. We may think nothing much is different, but if we stop and look back, we find a lot more.
So before leaving this year, we can take time to be …